Is the institution accredited and recognised?
We are fully accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA). Our programmes follow the Maltese and European Qualification Framework. Do note that when seeking for recognition to pursue further studies or work in another country, you are required to follow the recognition guidelines and processes of the specific country.

Do I need a visa to study in Malta?
Malta is a member state of the European Union. International students (non-EU) must comply with regulations of the Maltese Government and must be able to travel to Malta (this includes any Visas). For our blended programmes, students won’t be staying in Malta for more than 90 consecutive days, as such our students would need a short stay (C) Visa, for which they have to apply through the Embassies or Representations.
Please visit this webpage https://identita.gov.mt for further information.

Can I attend the theory sessions in presence?
No. All our theory sessions are run online. However, we encourage students to participate in optional seminars.
Theory and/or practical workshops and job-oriented trainings are available in presence in Milan at our Italian partner ISF College Corporate University (only in Italian). Please visit http://www.isf.college/eventi.html
Students are also encouraged to join student events organised by the UK Chartered Society of Forensic Science. Please visit https://www.csofs.org/Events

Do you provide special rates for low-income?
No. All scholarships are merit based.

Do I need to move to Malta?
No. Students are not required to move to the country but please note that students are required to travel to Malta at least twice a year for laboratory sessions and assessments.

Can I work and study?
Yes, but please note that attendance is mandatory. All our programmes are full-time programmes, and your full commitment is expected. For example, a full-time BSc demands a minimum of 1,500 learning hours each academic year. Any work-related activity must be carried out outside of academic activities.

Do you offer accommodation?
No. Students are responsible in arranging their own accommodation. Our sessions are scheduled during low or mid-season for short periods taking advantage of ample accommodation choices. Please visit https://www.visitmalta.com/en/where-to-stay

What is included in the annual tuition fee?
Access to the digital campus and related material, digital library, material used during the lab sessions, institutional email. This does NOT include travel, accommodation and costs associated with participation in our laboratory sessions.

Do I need to travel to Malta for each exam?
Yes. Laboratory sessions and exam are scheduled in Malta. Students are required to travel to Malta to complete these sessions throughout the academic year. Specific dates will be provided in advance at the start of Term. We usually take advantage of the low season in Malta!

Where can I find more information about the programmes?
More information on the programmes using these links:
BSc (Hons) Forensic Sciences and Criminal Investigation
BSc (Hons) Investigative Criminology and Criminal Psychology