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Higher Education Institution
Apply Now for Autumn 2024

"At the founding core of the European Forensic Institute, synergy with experts from every branch of the investigative sciences results in a dynamic educational landscape ranging from virtual classrooms to in-person labs. In this context, the variety of professional experiences is transformed into knowledge that transcends conventional boundaries, preparing students for a constantly evolving forensic world."

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Research Center of Excellence

"The Malta Life Sciences Park (MLSP) is the incubator of innovation, a place where research and development converge, creating an environment conducive to growth and excellence in every field."

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The Faculty Members

Guided by a passion for investigative science, these experts, from a wide range of fields, offer students not only advanced theoretical skills but also valuable practical experience.

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Postgraduate Orientation Booking

In addition to Open Days, for our Postgraduate courses we offer the opportunity to Book an individual consultation with one of our experts.

What we do

Bachelor’s and Master’s

Fully accredited and follows the European Qualification Framework. EQF Levels 5, 6 and 7.

Learn live from professionals, experts and academics in the field, online or in person.

Awards and Certificates

Choose between fully accredited Awards and Certificates or Customised Training Courses.

Learn from professionals, experts and academics in the field, online and/or in-person.

Expert Opinion

Forensic Consulting Reports and Professional Opinions following international standards and best practice guides.

Collaborate with professionals, experts and industry groups.

Center of Excellence

Lead Research and Innovation in connected fields.

Promote collaboration with professionals, experts and academics in public and private sectors.

Higher Education
Student Information


 3-year BSc (Hons) programmes delivered online and in-person


18-month Master’s programmes delivered fully online


Step-by-step admissions guide and useful information


Student guide and information about studying in Malta

Follow the traces of your future

Join us and gain a competitive edge in exciting and rapidly evolving fields.

La Institución

El European Forensic Institute fue fundado con el objetivo principal de crear un centro Europeo en ciencias forenses e investigativas, para reunir expertos, profesionales y estudiantes con el fin de colaborar, enseñar, aprender e innovar en este sector tan importante y relevante.

Todo esto lo logramos a través de nuestros programas de aprendizaje plenamente acreditados y nuestro Centro de Excelencia.
El Instituto está acreditado por la autoridad Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA HEI License number 2018-014) y sigue el European Qualification Framework

Vida estudiantil

Aprende en directo de expertos y profesionales a través de nuestra plataforma de aprendizaje en línea, que incluye acceso a bibliotecas digitales y conexión directa con los profesores.

Estudia en forma presencial durante las sesiones programadas de laboratorios y clases teóricas en el Malta Lifre Sciences Park o en el Campus Hub.

Asiste a eventos del sector, a distancia o en persona, organizados por la Institución y en colaboración con organizaciones asociadas.

From our community

300+ people are already learning at European Forensic Institute

Colaboraciones y asociaciones

Para respaldar nuestros valores y ambiciones compartidos en línea con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU en particular el Objetivo 4: Educación de Calidad, el Objetivo 16: Paz, Justicia e Instituciones Sólidas, y el Objetivo 17: Alianzas; debemos seguir fomentando una mayor colaboración entre la academia y la profesión, así como entre todas las profesiones en los sectores público y privado.

Estamos orgullosos de trabajar con las siguientes instituciones, organizaciones, empresas y muchas más.

Postgraduate Programmes